About Conference
The knowledge of cryptology is essential because of its popularity in data communication such as e-mail, banking, defense and cryptocurrency etc. Blockchain, cloud security and post quantum security are other emerging areas related to it. Machine learning (ML) and cryptology are now shaking hands together and applications of ML in cryptography are not new, but with over 3 quintillion bytes of data being generated every day, it is now more relevant to apply ML techniques in cryptography than ever before. ML techniques can be used to indicate the relationship between the input and output data created by various cryptosystems. ML techniques such as boosting and mutual learning can be used to create the private cryptographic key. This conference will provide the understanding of core concepts of Cryptology & Network Security with ML in data communication. The participants will understand and learn the basics as well as new developments in the related fields. In a nutshell.
- Cryptology & Network Security is the vital ingredient in day to day life as data communication becomes a necessity.
- Machine Learning (ML) and cryptology have more in common as they share a common target; searching in large search spaces.
- ML and cryptology is an emerging area today as DRDO, ISI Kolkata, NTU Singapore etc have started working on it already.
- So this conference will be very useful for all concerned.