Topics Covered
Original papers on the following indicative topics, but not limited to, are welcome to be submitted for the conference:
- Public Key Cryptography
- Elliptic Curve Cryptography
- Post Quantum Cryptography
- Lattice Based Cryptography
- Non Commutative Ring Based Cryptography
- Crypto Currency
- Authentication
- Key Agreement
- Hash Functions
- Block/Stream Ciphers
- Code Based Cryptography
- NTRU Cryptosystems
- Security and Privacy in Machine Learning
- Block Chain
- IoT Security
- Wireless Security Protocols
- Cryptanalysis
- Number Theory
- Quantum Computing
- Cryptographic aspects of network security
- Complexity theory
- Cryptography with Machine Learning
- Boolean functions and their applications
- Finite fields and their applications
- Steganography
- Cryptography with Deep Learning
- Cloud Security